Daily Archives: 24 十月, 2008

Howdy from Vivezza Musical Instruments!!!

Hi wind instruments lovers,

Welcome to the new blog of Vivezza Musical Instruments! Vivezza was established at 2000 in Taipei Taiwan. We are a young company but has a lot of potential and  much love to music. We created the blog in order to reach the wind instruments players and orchestral music lovers. We will be posting some interesting topics about wind instruments. Please visit our blog anytime and discuss any topic about music with us.

 全貿樂器有限公司的部落格正式成立囉! 我們在民國89年成立於台北後,以「合理價格、完善服務」為宗旨,努力不懈的推動台灣音樂市場,至今並成功爭取成為國外數十家知名大廠的台灣獨家總代理。。同時,全貿也具備專業的維修團隊,本著推廣音樂的精神為所有專業或業餘演奏家、學生及管樂愛好者們提供最完善的服務。這個部落格將成為我們與海內外管弦樂愛好者的交流園地, 我們也將會不定期的在這裡與大家討論管弦樂相關的主題。歡迎大家隨時來拜訪我們並且一同交流。






Filed under About Vivezza